About West Fort Worth Endodontics

Finding an endodontist that truly cares about your oral health can be difficult. Our team is here to help get you the relief you need through a process that is simple, straight-forward and successful. And, our treatment methods are backed by two accomplished board-certified endodontists who are extremely dedicated to patient success.

Meet our board-certified endodontists

We are a team of two board-certified endodontists whose goal is to make your endodontic care the best possible process. Whether you’re seeing us for a routine root canal therapy procedure using the latest technology or if you’re concerned about a larger oral issue, we’ll be at your side for every step of the journey making it as quick and painless as possible.

Headshot of Dr. Francisco Nieves wearing a dark suit and a tie.

Meet Dr. Francisco Nieves

Dr. Francisco Nieves is a board-certified endodontist who grew up in Fort Worth and always dreamed of opening his own practice in the city he calls home.

After attending North Crowley High School and then Saint Bonaventure University for undergrad, Dr. Nieves focused his love of helping patients into earning his DDS from the UT School of Dentistry in Houston. There, he discovered his love of learning about the root canal system, so he continued to follow his passion for endodontics with specialty training at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine. In fact, Dr. Nieves and Dr. Fitzhugh met while studying at Rutgers!

Dr. Nieves also practices at Granbury Endodontics in Granbury, TX, where he is passionate about helping patients from Granbury and the surrounding towns. Outside of endodontics, he loves spending time with his wife and two children, traveling with friends and family and enjoying the best food, coffee and craft beer Fort Worth has to offer!

Photo of Dr. Alex Fitzhugh wearing a light maroon blazer.

Meet Dr. Alex Fitzhugh

Dr. Alex Fitzhugh is a board-certified endodontist whose passion for patient satisfaction can be seen in every appointment.

Originally from Arkansas, Dr. Alex Fitzhugh attended the University of Arkansas for undergrad, then received his DDS degree from the University of Tennessee. It was there that Dr. Fitzhugh also realized his love for helping patients with issues related to the root canal, so he continued his specialty training in endodontics at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, where he met Dr. Nieves.

Dr. Fitzhugh also practices at Burleson Endodontics, where he has proudly served the community for several years with his patient-first philosophy. He’s a true believer in minimally-invasive endodontics, which he and Dr. Nieves consider the best way of practicing endodontic care. In his free time, Dr. Fitzhugh loves spending time with his wife and three children, staying active through his love of sports and also taking the time to relax occasionally at the lake.

Our process for tooth pain relief

Discuss your symptoms

Our team will discuss your symptoms through a series of questions to understand how we can best help you.

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Take diagnostic images

Using our state-of-the-art imaging technology, our staff will get 3D images of your mouth to understand just what’s causing you pain and how we can fix it.

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Schedule your procedure

After reviewing your diagnostic imagery, we’ll schedule your procedure and walk through treatment options with you.

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Our care doesn’t stop as soon as the procedure is finished. We’ll have you back in for a follow-up to make sure you’re on the right path and reinforce good habits to make sure the pain doesn’t come back.

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