West Fort Worth Endodontics

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The top 5 procedures performed by endodontists

Most people obviously know what a dentist does, but not everybody has heard of an endodontist and/or knows what an endodontist does for oral health. In short, we like to think of ourselves as tooth savers, specializing in treating complex tooth pain and root health issues. If you found this blog post because you're suffering from tooth pain or think you may need an endodontic procedure, this guide will walk you through the top treatments we provide at WFW Endodontics. With a combination of advanced training and precision techniques, endodontists like us ensure you receive the care necessary to maintain your natural smile!

1. Root Canal Therapy

Dubbed the quintessential endodontic treatment, root canal therapy is far more than just a dental buzzword. During this procedure, the infected or inflamed pulp inside your tooth is carefully removed, the inside of the tooth is cleaned and disinfected, and then filled and sealed. Its importance? It's a tooth-saving marvel, allowing you to retain a tooth that might otherwise need to be extracted.

At WFW Endodontics, we've invested in the top-of-the-line GentleWave® machine, which offers a more comfortable and efficient procedure compared to traditional root canal treatment methods. With superior cleaning and disinfecting, patients experience less discomfort during and after the procedure, resulting in a quicker recovery time. Your tooth will be as good as new in no time!

Depending on the complexity of your diagnosis, Dr. Fitzhugh or Dr. Nieves will recommend either the GentleWave® procedure or a general root canal therapy treatment. Either way, you're in great hands with our board-certified endodontists here at WFW Endodontics.

2. Apicoectomy

An apicoectomy, or a surgical root-end resection, is a follow-up when a conventional root canal isn't enough. When infection persists or recurs at the tip of the tooth's root, your endodontist may recommend this surgery. They'll remove the root tip and surrounding infected tissue, promoting healing and preventing further infection.

During an apicoectomy, the procedure begins with administering local anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the process. Our endodontists at WFW Endodontics then make a small incision in the gum tissue to expose the bone and surrounding inflamed tissue. The damaged tissue along with the very end of the root tip is carefully removed. Afterward, a small filling may be placed to seal the end of the root canal, preventing future infection.

The site is then sutured to promote healing, allowing the bone to naturally heal around the root. Using precise techniques and advanced technology, we ensure the procedure is as minimally invasive as possible, focusing on preserving as much of the natural tooth structure as we can. This meticulous approach aids in a speedy recovery, getting you back to your regular routine with minimal discomfort.

3. Endodontic Retreatment

The majority of root canal procedures are successful, yet sometimes, a tooth may not heal as expected. When that's the case, endodontic retreatment presents a second chance for your tooth. Here, your endodontist reopens the tooth to remove previous root canal fillings, reinvestigates the canals for additional infection, and then refills and seals the tooth. It's about giving your natural tooth another opportunity to remain functional and healthy.

At WFW Endodontics, we leverage cutting-edge technology to ensure accurate diagnoses, and one such powerful tool in our arsenal is the Carestream 8200 Cone Beam CT. Specifically invaluable for diagnosing a failed root canal, this advanced imaging system allows us to obtain highly detailed 3D images of your teeth and jawbone. With the precision and clarity offered by the Carestream 8200, we can meticulously assess the complexities of your tooth’s anatomy and identify any underlying issues that may not be visible with traditional dental X-rays.

This comprehensive view assists us in crafting a tailored treatment approach that addresses the root cause of failure, ensuring a higher success rate for endodontic retreatment. Our investment in such advanced diagnostic tools underlines our commitment to providing top-tier care. By pinpointing the exact reasons for a root canal failure, we can effectively plan and execute the most appropriate treatment, ultimately saving your tooth and ensuring your oral health is maintained at its best.

4. Root Amputation

A less common, yet essential, procedure is the root amputation. This microsurgery involves the removal of one root in a multi-rooted tooth—think of it as a tactical strike to preserve the integrity of the rest of the tooth and surrounding teeth. Not every tooth is a candidate for this delicate procedure, but when it can be performed, it's often pivotal in saving part of a damaged tooth.

5. Cracked Tooth Management

Ever bitten down and felt that telltale jolt of pain? Cracked tooth management targets this exact issue. Whether it's a subtle crack or one that sends lightning bolts up your jaw, endodontists meticulously assess and treat the tooth. Treatment can range from minimally invasive bonding to more extensive strategies, all with the aim of restoring function and alleviating pain.

At WFW Endodontics, we do all these and more

Don't ignore tooth pain or discomfort—your dental health is paramount, and endodontic care is central to preserving your gleaming smile. Endodontists like us provide specialized treatments designed to target pain and resolve underlying issues, saving your natural teeth when they're in jeopardy.

For enduring relief and expert care, seek out a board-certified endodontist like Dr. Nieves or Dr. Fitzhugh. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards tooth pain relief. With advanced root canal therapy technology and a team dedicated to your care, we're here to ensure the health and longevity of your smile.